Retirement Community Living: Trying it Again!

So, two years down the road I’ve just moved back into a retirement community.  This one is different but much the same.  Older adults navigating the aging process.  Some healthier and seemingly happier than others.  My incentive was scheduling replacement surgeries on my knees. As a happily solo woman of 76, I wanted recovery services at my fingertips without leaning on all-too-willing family members.

It’s been an adventure. Here’s what’s happened so far while I await my surgery with a so-called legendary surgeon at a nearby highly-respected hospital:

  • A flood of friendly welcomes inviting me to lunch and dinner, bringing flowers and baked goods and otherwise being hospitable.
  • An attentive staff, including security, valet, meal, housekeeping and transportation services, aiming to please.
  • Unexpected maintenance issues (an air conditioner that sounded like a freight train and a hot-water heater that keeps tripping leaving me to shower in the cold more times than I would like to count).
  • A couple of neighbors, while friendly, bordering on nosy if not intrusive: one, with a walking cane, nearly tripping over boxes while taking it upon herself to hobble in while the movers were bringing my furniture and other belongings into my minimalist 500-sq ft studio (I always wanted to live in a cruise ship cabin.) and another seemingly rummaging through the floor’s recycling bin to note my discarded reading materials.
  • Interesting people such as the 96 year-old socialite previously a successful business woman who founded a state-wide real estate empire and a couple who, as children, fled during the revolution when the Castro regime took over Cuba.

Seems like this community attracts loads of financially successful people who have either chosen to spend their golden years here or whose family has been instrumental in their placement.

As for me, as before when I flunked out of this type of lifestyle, I have chosen to be in this setting in advance of being committed.  Now that my knees are showing signs of wear and tear, my daughters are not fighting me as much as before when I was fit with the body of a 20 year old….Well, maybe a 50 year old.

One thing I’ll say is a perk: A waterfront view “to die for” pictured with this brief narrative.

Time will tell if this explorer will stay awhile.

More adventures ahead.  Onward!

P.S.  So much for a quiet morning while I sip coffee and attempt to meditate and contemplate life and all its joys and bounties.  An emergency alert has just come over the intercom.  Unspecific and short assuring us all to “stay calm.” Wondering if I might have to bail out of my 10th story apartment. Better get dressed and ready for whatever is to come.

Ageless Wonder