Bonnie Lattimer was not born juggling but she became good at it on the road to success.
Her interest in design began when she was 10 but it would not be until she was 34 that she would begin formal training. In between, she grew up, married, had two children and worked as a dental hygienist for 10 years.
“I knew when I started my dental hygiene training that this was not for me, she said. “It was brutal but I continued on this track and worked in this field for a decade.”
Until one day, she finally quit her job and went back to school to study industrial design, driving a long distance to the Ohio State University and juggling rearing her two boys at the same time.
It eventually paid off, however, when she landed a job with national-international consulting firm. There she stayed for 20 years, this time juggling multiple big-named clients with family life.

Bonnie Lattimer learned how to juggle
When the economy tanked in 2008, Bonnie, newly single again, left the once-thriving firm to strike out on her own. She did freelancing and, as fate would have it, went to the Springfield, Ohio Flea Market one Sunday in the spring of 2009 to sell a few items as she contemplated selling her home.
“When I found out I could make money selling things, I became a broker. I was able to learn from an established retro mid-century modern store owner who also had an online business,” she said.
So when the housing market began to make a comeback in 2012, Bonnie sold her house in Ohio and packed what few remaining items she owned into her car and made a bee-line to Florida where she now resides in her new villa and has a thriving business selling at shows and online.
To Bonnie, success is feeling good about yourself and feeling gratified while constantly evolving and thinking outside of the box.
“The keys are to have confidence in yourself, do what you want to do, keep an open mind, and never give up,” she said.
And to do all that, one certainly has to be a juggler…just like Bonnie.
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